Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Liquid Tension Experiment - Paradigm Shift (Drummania Extreme Drums - S Ranking)

More info in a bit. This is a shortened version of the song, I know: it takes out the slow, relaxed part of the song. LTE's one of my favorite bands: LTE is to Dream Theater as Strapping Young Lad is to The Devin Townsend Band, essentially they're both more intense, more technically complex versions of their more known counterparts (Devin just released a new album btw, everyone needs to check it out: he's got three more coming soon too). My stick goes in front of the camera, but if you think about it logically for a minute, there's literally nowhere else I could place the camera and still get a nearly flat view of the screen. Fraps, Camstudio, Camtasia, Playclaw, and every other screen recording program causes DTXMania to lag heavily, that's why I don't use them. DTXMania eats up a ton of processor speed, so using anything else while i'm playing it drops the FPS down to around 5. I didn't do double bass because I don't have a second pedal: once I get one, i'll do double bass charts. If you want to see me doing double bass, check out my Emerald Sword and Black Diamond videos. Thedrumset i'm using is a "GoodWoods" set, a sturdy, quiet, responsive set with great rebound: you can get it at I'm using the "Destroyer Pedal" in this video, which is great for zero double-hits, it's metal, and it's great for using heel-toe with. You can get it at Also check out - The best product, best warranty, best prices. PERIOD ...

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