Sunday, January 3, 2010

Arrangements for piano and vocal accompaniment - The Easy Way

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Much has been written about learning the piano with chords. There are many Internet resources available to teach the agreements, but my experience is that they are complex and the lack of a simple approach to logic. An effective strategy that has worked well with my students to be informed on the piano in a manner similar to the guitar base. I believe that students learn certain forms of agreements and simple "strum" the techniques, and in a very short time, you can play with their favorite songs.

SoChord forms, what to learn? The simplest approach is that I have found over the years, it, all the major agreements, and from there all the others can learn the ropes quickly dissipated. And the best way to learn is a vision that the basic shapes, which employs formed by blacks and white keys of the piano for every major chord.

How do you "strum" a piano tuner? Now there are three essential elements that I used. The first is the agreement to play in blocks (all the notes at the same time) and useRhythms for the right hand and left. This corresponds to strum a guitar with a pick or hand. The next step is to identify individual notes, one at a time, in different models, which is the equivalent of finger-picking on the guitar. And finally, you can add or make riffs hooks in your game to an accompaniment track.

In addition to these techniques, I use a ruler, a piano tuner, which can be placed on the piano, students agree that you want. In this way, they losewith agreements. You can also find the color visual on the ruler is an additional aid for the storage of forms of agreement.

A further advantage of this approach is that if you learn the technique of important agreements, major and minor, is the same thing for more complex arrangements - 7 Major, 6 minor, diminished, augmented. Thus, learning becomes easy as progress and no more.

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